Monday, September 21, 2009

How do I replace a damaged Blue/Green/Garbage Bin?

Some residents may have missed their chance to exchange their city waste collection bins at Community Environment Day this weekend, but there's no need to worry about; there are still a variety of options to replace a broken Green, Blue or Garbage Bin.

The easiest way is to give a telephone call to the City service line at 311. There you can speak with an operator, who will help you set up a Blue/Garbage Bin exchange appointment. Bin appointments generally fall on the same day as your scheduled pick up. Just leave your broken bin out on specified date, and City Staff will come to exchange it for you with a new one free of charge.

If you have a damaged Green Bin or simply can't wait for an appointment date, you may also bring your broken bin to one of several pick-up locations throughout Toronto. These sites are listed on the back of your Collection Calendar, which you should be receiving in the mail in the coming weeks. The closest one to Ward 39 is the Scarborough Transfer Station, at 1 Transfer Place (off of Nugget Avenue just west of Markham Road). Note that bin exchange is not available at the Victoria Park Transfer Station.

Finally, if you would like an additional Green Bin, you can request one at the above locations (fees may apply). Up-sized or additional Blue Bins may also be ordered free of charge through the 311 line. Up-sizing of Garbage Bins is also available, but yearly fees may apply.

If you are experiencing any difficulties with the above and live in Ward 39, feel free to give our office a call at 416-392-1374, and we can help with arranging for a new bin. If you live outside of Ward 39, please call 311 and they will be able to provide you with more information.

Useful links:
Where to get your collection containers

1 comment:

  1. There should be more initiatives like this one. Our planet deserves this.
    Waste Collection
